It’s kind of become a thing to choose a word for the year. A word that defines your hopes/goals/resolutions for the year.

Last year, my word was more. I wanted to more fully embrace the life that I have. And while I didn’t always blog about it here, I made some definite strides. It’s still an area that needs some work, but I’m thankful for the months of focused energy.

My one word for 2014 is intention. I looked it up in the dictionary (English major alert), and here’s what I found:

A determination to act in a certain way; resolve.

I want to approach my life with more intention – with a determination to act a certain way, God’s way. I want my decision-making, relationships, work, family life, friendships, and all other areas to be marked with intention.

I want to be deliberate, and not make spur-of-the-moment decisions.

I want to approach life both with flexibility (because we really never know what the next day will bring) but also with a sense of purpose.

I want to be unhurried. This one is quite the struggle for me. I am constantly juggling many different hats and responsibilities, but when I become hurried I begin to make bad decisions. And sometimes I yell at people.

I want to be determined in my relationships, both with my family and with my friends. I want to nurture the friendships I already have, but I want to be intentional about developing new friends.

I want to intentionally give more grace, so that I will receive more in return.

What about you? Do you have one word for this year?